M.A. Syllabus of CU 2009-2010

Syllabus for M.A. Final Course in English
Session: 2009-2010

Total Marks                  : 600 marks
Written       : 500 “
Tutorial      : 50 “
Terminal     : 25 “
Viva-Voce  : 25 “

Course-Eng 501:
Marks: 100

1. Hamlet: MNQI
2. Othello: AA
3. King Lear: MNQI
5. The Tempest:SB
6. Measure for Measure:QMB
7. King Henry IV, parts I&II.:MHC
8. Sonnets:TSS

Course-Eng 502
Modern Continental Literature in Translation
Marks: 100
1. Baudelaire:MM Selected Poems (Tr. by Joanna Richardson) penguin Books.
Spleen (I have more memories than a thousand years),
Spleen (When, like a lid, the low and heavy sky),
The Albatross,
You would be all creation’s concubine,
The Cat (Come, lovely eat),
The Living Flame,
To a Crcole Woman,
The ghost,
Joyful Death.

2. Rilke:MM Selected Poems The Duino Elegies: The First Elegy and the Ninth Elegy

3. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment:DM
4. Kalfa, A Hunger Artist (Tr. by Willa and Edwin Muir):MHC

5. Ibsen, A Doll’s House (Tr. Rolf Fjelde): CMA
6. Pirandello. Six Characters in search of an Author (Tr. By Edward Storer):QMB

Course – Eng 503
English Language Teaching
Marks 100

A. Theories in Second Language Acquisition
1. Nativist theories of SLA:SM
          (i) General Characteristics
          (ii) Chomsky’s Universal Grammar and SLA
          (iii) A critique of language-specific nativist theories
2. Environmentalist Theories of SLA:SM
          (i)General characteristics
          (ii) Schumann’s Pidginization Hypothesis and Acculturation Model
          (iii)A critique of the Pidginization Hypothesis and Acculturation Model
B. Research & Teaching Methodology:CMA

1. Interlanguage studies
(i) introduction
(ii) Contrastive analysis
(iii) Error analysis
(iv) Performance analysis
2.Explanation for differential success among second language leaners:
(i) Age
(iii) Social- psychological factors: Motivation and Attitude
(iv) Personality
(v) Cognitive
(vi) Hemisphere specialization
(vii) Learning Strategies
(viii) Other Factors

3.Approach and Methods in Language Teaching
(i)Grammar-translation Method
(ii) Communicative Language Teaching
(iii) The Audiolingual Method
(iv)The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching
(v) Others.
4. Testing and Evaluation

C. Course and Material design:TSS
D. Syntax and morphology
(i) Articles
(ii) Tense and aspects
(iii) Prepositions
(iv) Modals and Conditionals
(v)Affixation –Derivation and inflections.
E. Discourse Analysis. Pragmatics and practical Stylistics: MRU
(i) Speech Acts and Conversational Maxims
(ii) The analysis of literary discourse
(iii) Teaching language through literature

Course –Eng 504(A):
Modern American Literature
1. Whitman: Songs of Myself:TJB
2.Emily Dickinson: Selections:MM (as in The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 2 Edition)
3.Robert Frost: Selections: (as in The Norton Anthology of modern poetry (ed.) Ellman, et. al)
4.William Carlos Williams: Selections (as in The Norton Anthology of Modern poetry I (ed.) Ellman, et. Al)

5.Melville: Moby Dick.:
6.Twain: The adventures of Hucklebury Finn:ZC
7. F. Scott Fitzerald: The Great Gatsby
8. Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms
9. Toni Morrison: Beloved

10.  O’Neill: The Long Day’s Journey into Night
11. Edward Albee: The Zoo Story:JBS
12. A Miller: Death of a Salesman:RJ
Recommended Reading:

Course- Eng 504(B)
Middle English Literature
Marks 100

Course-Eng 505(A)
Post Colonial and Post Modern Literature
I.   Post Colonial Literature

1. Kipling             - Kim:
2. Coetzee.J.M.     - Life and Times of Michael K:ZC
3. Chosh. Amitav - Shadow Lines:ZC

II. Post Modern Literature
4. Vonnegut, Kurt:         -Breakfast of Champions:
5. Kundera, Milan          -The unbearable Lightness of Being:

6. Marquez,          - Strange Pilgrims:MRU